I was given the opportunity to make a puzzle for 24hpc, but in the end chaotic_iak decided to replace the puzzle I made, which was probably the correct choice. If you want to solve the version that replaced this (which I recommend you do it's actually good), click here. The reason for why it got replaced is because, ROT13 gur oernx va sbe gur chmmyr eryvrq onfvpnyyl ragveryl ba gur 4 ertvba va gur evtug qrgrezvavat gur ragver evtug fvqr. Abj gung znl abg fbhaq gung onq ohg npghnyyl fbyivat sbe gung jnf n pnfronfuvat avtugzner, naq vs lbh qvqa'g xabj gung gur 4 qvq gung vg jbhyq or irel rnfl gb whfg zvff vg naq abg or noyr gb npghnyyl fbyir gur chmmyr ybtvpnyyl.
If you want to solve this puzzle don't feel bad about casebashing using uniqueness or whatever else you want to do.